About Us

Industrial Parks are industrial development centers based on the principles of excellence and a top-quality work environment. The six Industrial Parks founded by Stef Wertheimer offer organizations and companies office space rentals, industrial structures, warehouses, and other types of business and commercial real estate. More than 200 companies are operating in Industrial Parks today, creating more than 4,000 high-quality jobs. Average sales per Park worker amount to US$220,000 per year, well above the national average, of which 80% are intended for export.

The economic advantages and the host of services offered by Industrial Parks have drawn in a variety of industrialists and entrepreneurs from Israel and from around the world.
Such individuals are interested in high-quality industrial structures, renting commercial space, logistic warehouses, office rentals, and more. The six Parks are located in national-priority development regions, offering the highest level of government assistance for industry, as well as designated tax breaks.

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More than Just Rental Space

In launching the Industrial Parks, Stef Wertheimer sought to create an environment which would address the needs of employees and entrepreneurs alike. Each of the Industrial Parks provides the services and infrastructure required for productive work that is clean, safe, and efficient, emulating the model set out by the Tefen Industrial Park. This model does not limit itself to offering commercial space, industrial structures, commercial real estate or business real-estate rentals. It brings together vocational education and training, a high living standard for workers and their families, and peaceful co-existence of Jews and Arabs.

Open-air museums located within the Industrial Parks, next to industrial structures, offer a unique environment characterized by a high level of aesthetic appeal and business services combined with world-class art, culture, and education institutions.

Entrepreneurs looking to rent commercial space, business space, industrial structures, offices for rent in the North and in the South, are welcome to visit one of our six Industrial Parks around the country:
Tel Hai, Dalton, Tefen, Lavon, and Nazareth in the Galilee, as well as Omer in the Negev, and to get a first-hand impression of their ample advantages.

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A Word from the CEO

"What best describes the Industrial Parks in creativity. It is clear to us that the Israeli economy depends on creative entrepreneurship and not the other way around. Only a strong, proactive industry can pave the way toward economic independence, ample employment opportunities, and a high standard of living.

The idea of Industrial Parks was conceived out of the need to encourage early-stage entrepreneurs and to help them focus on what matters, to focus as much as possible on their ability to initiate, to produce, to sell and to grow, and as little as possible on red tape. Industrial factories and high-tech companies have developed and prospered within the Industrial Parks, which have managed, over the years since their launch, to draw stronger populations out to the countryside.

We invite you to visit the Industrial Parks and get a firsthand impression of their advantages, which will help make your plant a success story."

Arie Dahan
General Manager, Industrial Parks
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